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Cão é resgatado sob escombros um mês após furacão nas Bahamas

Filhote, batizado de Miracle, foi localizado por agentes da ONG Big Dog Rach Rescue

8 out 2019 - 10h35
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Cão é resgatado cinco semanas após furacão nas Bahamas.
Cão é resgatado cinco semanas após furacão nas Bahamas.
Foto: Instagram/@bigdogranchrescue / Estadão

Cinco semanas após o furacão Dorian atingir as Bahamas, agentes da ONG Big Dog Rach Rescue conseguiram localizar um cão vivo sob os escombros.

O vira-latas estava muito magro e debilitado. No entanto, abanou o rabinho quando avistou os agentes de resgate no local.

Os integrantes da ONG o batizaram de Miracle (Milagre, na tradução para o português).

O cãozinho morava em Marsh Harbour, uma das regiões atingidas pelo furacao Dorian, em setembro.

Chase Scott, porta-voz da instituição responsável pelo resgate, disse para a rede de TV americana CNN que o animal quase foi esmagado por destroços de um prédio que desabou. Ele foi localizado através de um drone que usa tecnologia infravermelha.

O filhote, de aproximadamente um ano de idade, sobreviveu bebendo água da chuva. "Ele está muito fraco e anêmico após semanas de sobrevivência com água da chuva. Ele definitivamente tem um longo caminho para a recuperação pela frente. Ele precisará de fisioterapia, muita ajuda e força para poder voltar a andar completamente. Nossa equipe médica está monitorando e dando o maior conforto possível. Nós te amamos, Miracle!", diz a legenda da foto em que o cãozinho está sendo acolhido pela ONG.

????A Tail of Survival, A True MIRACLE???? We are taking care of our Miracle baby at Big Dog Ranch Rescue. He has a long road to recovery, but for now, he is comfortable and he is eating and gaining a bit of strength! He is anemic, heartworm positive, very weak, and he cannot walk on his own... The poor baby fought for his life over there - surviving on rain water from the storm for weeks!! ?? He is in amazing hands now, and we will continue to give him the love and support he needs as he recovers... We will keep you posted on his journey! ??Donations toward his recovery are much appreciated. We want to help this sweet Miracle of ours to get strong and healthy - so that he can have the happiest life EVER!! You can donate on our Facebook page: - or on our website - please specify for Miracle (link in bio). Thank you in advance for contributing to Miracle's long road to recovery ahead! ??A HUGE thank you to Sean Irion - who has been leading the Big Dog Ranch Rescue trips to the Bahamas. He physically pulled Miracle out of the rubble and has found and brought back over 50 other dogs from the Bahamas! ??We also want to send a huge thank you to Douglas Theron - who brought his drone to the Bahamas - which led to finding Miracle and many other dogs we have been looking for. ??Thank you so much to our wonderful videographer, Christy Nielsen. ??Also, thank you so very much to Amber Batteiger from American Humane and Dr. Bailey, Abaco Veterinarian - who helped triage Miracle by giving him fluids to stabilize him for the flight to Big Dog Ranch Rescue. ??Thank you so much to Daniel Braihwaite who was our amazing person of contact on the ground over there! ??Hank & Andrea - you are the best! Thank you for housing and feeding our team - even though your house was damaged - you let us in, and it means the world to us! ??We couldn't have found Miracle without this dream team's help and persistence!?? . . #DreamTeam #Survival #Miracle #BDRRMiracle #MiracleBDRR #BDRR #BigDogRanchRescue #donations #Thankyou #roadtorecovery #helpMiracle #Miraclethedog #ilovedogs #rescuedogs #HelpingtheBahamas #Bahamiandogs #Todayshow #Todaydog

Uma publicação compartilhada por Big Dog Ranch Rescue (@bigdogranchrescue) em

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