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Blogueira britânica satiriza "corpo de biquíni"

6 jun 2017 - 07h00
A blogueira Chessie King
A blogueira Chessie King
Foto: Reprodução/Instagram

Às vesperas da chegada do verão pipocam nas redes a expressão "corpo de verão" ou "corpo adequado para usar biquíni". Com a proximidade da estação mais quente do ano no hemisfério norte, uma blogueira britânica decidiu acabar com esse mito e mostrar que qualquer corpo é digno de ser bonito e mostrado.

Chessie King postou em seu Instagram uma montagem usando biquíni branco em duas ocasiões, uma tirada logo cedo de manhã e outra após ingerir líquidos e outros alimentos. "Feriados são para relaxar, explorar e gastar seu tempo com as pessoas que gosta. Não se apegue a 'ficar bem dentro do seu biquíni", disse a britânica.


Let's talk about the "Bikini Bod"👙... a phrase that gets thrown around more than I eat popcorn (& dats a ridiculous amount) 🍿👀 What even is a 'bikini bod'... both of these photos are me in a bikini & my 'bod' so therefore these are both 'bikini bods' RIGHT?! So obviously you always feel better in the morning, we all do. Especially on holiday when you know you've got to be in a bikini all day. I was snapping away this morning feeling fressssh... but some things are just out of our control when you're away, like foods that make you bloat. We had loads of yummy fresh juices & smoothies for lunch but my tummy did not like it... clearly. I could've just posted the left photo when I felt good but that's just not fair, I want to show you what reaaallly happened. You can work hard in the gym & eat super duper healthy in the lead up to your summer holiday for that 'bikini bod' but... for those who suffer from bloating like me, you can't really stop it when you're abroad! You are not alone if this has happened to you. It makes you feel horrible & it really knocks your 'body confidence' but do not stress about it or get upset, definitely DO NOT let it affect or ruin your holiday. Your holiday is so much more than just how you look in your bikini... & everyone else is so worried about what they look like they won't even notice if you're standing by the pool cradling your bloated belly. Holidays are for relaxing, exploring & spending proper time with your favourite people... do not get wrapped up in 'looking good in your keeni' 💛💃🏼

Uma publicação compartilhada por C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) em

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